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Where do I create a workflow?

To create a workflow:

  • Click on the workflow icon in your left-hand navigation and click the blue CTA “Create workflow”
  • Click "Create" from your dashboard or profile page > "Workflow"


How do I link a workflow to my profile, team, project, or goal?

The best way to link your workflow to another Qatalog entity is by adding your workflow as a resource. 


How do I go about creating my workflow?

1. Identify a process you’d like to automate with a workflow. 


When creating a workflow for the first time, we highly recommend starting with an established process you’re familiar with and translating that into a workflow format. Almost any process will translate nicely to a workflow, but if you need some ideas we feature a few workflow templates to get you started.


2. Decide on your workflow goals, if steps are required or optional, and who will be using your workflow.


Once you have a process in mind, we recommend asking yourself the following questions:


  • Privacy: Do I want other people to follow this workflow, or is this just for my use?
  • Sharing: Do I want other people to collaborate on this workflow with me?
  • Requirements: Are all my steps required? Are some steps optional? Should some steps be completed before a later step can be taken?
  • Workflow goals/outcomes: What are the goals of my process? For example, a process may have the goal of educating someone on a new way to do something, and/or receiving specific information or feedback from that person.


Clearly identifying your workflow privacy settings, share settings, requirements, and goals will greatly assist in the following steps when you construct your workflow.


3. Fill in your workflow details.


Now that you generally know what you’d like to build, fill in the following fields:

  • Title (name your workflow)
  • Description
  • Tags
  • “Is this a private workflow?”
    • Toggle this ON if in the previous step you determined you only want your workflow to be accessible to you or a specific group of people. Note: workflows are public by default.
  • Add people to this workflow
    • Based on your answer to the question “Do I want other people to collaborate on this workflow with me?” from the previous step, choose to invite teammates to your workflow. By default, any teammate you add will be designated a workflow member, giving them the ability to edit and assign your workflow. Click here to learn more on workflow user permissions. 


4. Translate each step of your existing process into a workflow step.


Adding steps to your workflow is where your workflow all comes together. 


Start by selecting a workflow step for each distinct part of your process. We offer a variety of different workflow steps with their own capabilities and outputs. When adding workflow steps for the first time, we recommend you:

  1. Familiarizing yourself with the different workflow steps, and
  2. Identify the goal or outcome of that step (do you want someone to read something? Watch something? Post a message to Slack? Enter information via a form?).


Don’t worry too much about picking the perfect step off the bat! While you cannot change the workflow step type once you’ve created it, workflow steps are incredibly easy to create, delete, and edit. We’re confident you’ll get the hang of it in no time!


5. Double-check your step requirements


Before you publish your workflow, go into each workflow step to make sure that step requirement aligns with your expectations. 


To do this, click into a step and hover of the asterisk (“*”) icon in the upper right corner. From here, you can change that step’s requirements to any of these options:


  • Optional: This designation makes this step optional and does not require the assignee to complete it to complete the workflow.
  • Required to complete workflow: This designation makes this step mandatory to complete the workflow, but the assignee can proceed to future steps (i.e. break with sequential step order) before completing this step.
  • Required to advance to next step: This designation makes this step mandatory to advance in the workflow. This is the strictest of the step requirements, and is a great option if your process must be followed in order to be executed correctly.

6. Save your workflow as a draft or publish your workflow


Don’t forget to save all your hard work! We recommend saving your workflow as a draft throughout creation so you don’t accidentally lose your work.


7. Bonus: Test your workflow before assigning it!


If you’ve built your workflow with the intent of assigning it out to other folks within your organization, we highly recommend testing it first! 


To test your workflow, simply publish your workflow and click the CTA “Start Workflow”. Follow the workflow as you’ve designed it and try to put yourself in the shoes of someone seeing this workflow for the first time. Do your steps make sense? Are there any typos? See anything that would be confusing? Alter anything you’ve identified needs updating, re-publish, and assign away!

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